Our Music


If you have come to worship here on a Sunday morning recently you are very likely to have heard our 6 bells ringing out in welcome.

We have an enthusiastic team of bell-ringers who ring regularly before our Services and also on special occasions. They have been encouraging young people to learn how to ring and training is offered to new recruits of any age. If you are interested in learning more, then contact Caroline Stewart on 07969 910299

Organ and choirs.

We no longer have a resident organist although we do arrange visiting organists for special services and of course for weddings and funerals. However, we have a new and very effective digital church music system to accompany our singing.  We previously had an excellent church choir, which, for a variety of reasons no longer exists, but we are able to assemble several of its former members to lead our singing on special occasions.  When a larger choir is needed, e.g. to sing at a wedding, the Woodfield Team Singers offer their services.

Community Choir

We like our church to be used and so we are pleased to provide space for rehearsals for a Community Choir, formed in 2023.  Very ably and professionally led by Aimee Harrison, who lives in the village, this has proved to be a great success, and is much enjoyed by the participants. In December, to great acclaim and with an audience of over a 100, the Choir performed a Christmas Concert in Donisthorpe Church.  A few church members have joined the choir and in reciprocal manner, some of the members of the choir augment our own choir on special occasions e.g. 10 of them joined us, to make a valuable contribution at our annual Carol Service. Indeed, prior to that, on Bank Holiday Monday, many of the members sang in Aimee’s garden as a part of the programme for our annual Open Gardens Day, which raises money for the Church’s Fabric Fund, and were very well received.

There is no voice test to join the choir  – any adult is eligible! If you would be interested in finding our more, then contact Aimee at aimeemusic@live.co.uk.


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