There are many people, too many to name them all, involved in the upkeep of our church and churchyard and in making sure that all our administration, services and other activities run smoothly. Flower arrangers, cleaners, those who mow or help to keep the churchyard tidy, coffee-makers, cake-makers, bell-ringers, choir-members, sides-people ……..etc. etc. are all invaluable. Such “housekeeping” matters may seem mundane, but they are all important in enabling the church to carry out its most important functions of worshipping God, nurturing and building up our church family and, crucially, reaching out to others within the parish and beyond, both in practical ways and in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ and His love for all.
Who is in charge?
- As the Team Rector post is currently vacant, legally it is the Area Dean, Revd. Gill Pinnington jointly with our Churchwarden, Mr Ivan Bowers, who is in charge of ensuring that the normal functions of the church, including our Services, continue to run, and the church building and churchyard are properly maintained and also that, as far as possible, the pastoral needs of the parish are met. They are assisted by our Team Vicar Revd. Rick Tett, who conducts some of our services. In the first instance however, the man to contact, who can usually point people in the right direction, is our Warden, Ivan.
- The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the body that, with the minister in charge, steers the life of the church in its mission, witness and service in the parish and its duties include financial management of the church’s resources. Its membership comprises a mixture of clergy members, ex officio members including the churchwarden, and several lay members of the church, elected at the Annual Meeting from those whose names are on the Church Electoral Roll. All members are expected to undergo Safeguarding training.
- The PCC Secretary is responsible for preparing agendas and taking minutes of PCC meetings and for correspondence related to Holy Rood Church but many administrative functions, relevant to all 8 of the churches in the Team, are carried out by the Team Administrator
- Services in the church are conducted by members of the Woodfield Team Ministry Team which includes the Team Vicar, 4 retired clergy, 4 Readers.
The Team at Packington
Team Vicar, Rick Tett
Tel: 01530 610235
Team Administrator, Ruth Salt
Tel: 07928 103850
Area Dean: Revd. Canon Gill Pinnington
Churchwarden: Ivan Bowers.
Warden Emeritus: Carolle Melville.
PCC Secretary: Noreen Mewies
Treasurer, Stewardship Recorder and Magazine Advertising: Stephen Hill
Members of the PCC:
Revd. Lesley Birtwistle, Ivan Bowers (Chair), Faye Bowers, Wendy Jones, David Harrison, Elisabeth Harrison, Stephen Hill, Peter Last, Dave Manton, Jane Manton, and Anne Wathes.
Retired members of Ministry Team with Permission to Officiate.
There are a number of very active retired ministers: clergy, and Readers, who lead services and carry out other responsibilities within the Benefice.
Of these, the most local, who live in the village are:
Revd. Lesley Birtwistle
Reader and Evangelist: David Harrison
Evangelist: Elisabeth Harrison
Foundation Governors at Packington Church of England Primary School
Dave Manton
Keith Pound
Nia Sutton
Holy Rood Church
Mill Lane, Packington, Leicestershire, LE65 1WL
Holy Trinity Church
Main Street, Normanton-le-Heath, Leicestershire, LE67 2TB