Electoral Roll Renewal 2025

This year we are required to renew the Church Electoral Roll completely. This means that  everyone who wishes to be included on the Roll must complete an application form, by 11th April 2025. Forms are available at the back of Church together with an envelope in which to place them when completed.  If your name is already on the Roll it will NOT automatically be transferred over.  

Who is entitled to be on the Roll?
A lay person (i.e. not clergy) is entitled to have his or her name on the roll of a parish if he or she –                                                                   
(a) is baptised,                                                                                                 
(b) is aged 16 or over                                                                                     
(c) has duly applied for enrolment on the correct form and                                        
(d) has made one of 3 declarations (only the 2 below are relevant):
1.A declaration that the person –
(i) is a member of the Church of England or of a Church in communion with it, and is (ii) resident in the parish
 2. A declaration that the person –
(i) is a member of the Church of England or of a Church in communion with it, (ii) is not resident in the parish, but (iii) has habitually attended public worship in the parish during the preceding six months.(unless, in respect of someone whose name is already on the Roll,  illness or other sufficient cause has prevented attendance, so if this applies to you, do speak to Jane Hall our Electoral Roll Officer).

Why have your name on the Roll?
Being on the Roll is a way of demonstrating your interest in the running of our church and willingness to help shape its future. It enables you to participate and vote in the Annual Meeting where members of the Parochial Church Council are elected, the Annual Accounts are presented and reports are given on all aspects of church life - and you can have your say! Whilst we always welcome volunteers for a number of different jobs, you may not have the desire or the time to take on any specific role within our church life. That is fine, but your interest, your voice and your support are important in themselves and an encouragement to other church members and officers. 

The renewal period extends from 3rd March until, at the very latest 11th April. after which a new Roll will be compiled for presentation at the Church’s AGM which will be held on Tuesday, 6th May 2025 at 7.00pm in church.  The new Roll is required to be published some 15 days before the AGM to allow for correction of any errors.  If you want any further information about this process or have any queries, then speak to Jane Hall our Electoral Roll Officer (01530 412375).

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